
A warm welcome is always guaranteed by your Hostess Eljay Dickins

art-materials-for-turkish-painting-holidaysEnquire about a FULL BOARD Painting Holiday at The Old Stone House in Turkey.

If you’re interested in joining a Painting Holiday at The Old Stone House please complete and submit this form and we will contact you to discuss availability.




TPH are, sadly, ‘on hold’ for the time-being for obvious reasons.

PLEASE REGISTER your future interest in our holidays via the form below



    Please note that we usually run our painting holidays in May and September. Please select which of these two months would be preferable:
  • My party would contain

  • We reserve the right to cancel any course date should there be insufficient demand. If this happens and you have already paid a deposit, this will be refunded in full. No further liability is accepted.

* PRICES INCLUDES ACOMMODATION AND ALL MEALS & ALCOHOL! You have nothing to think about except having a wonderful holiday…


  • En-suite room per person (non sharing) £995 or
  • For those sharing or non-painters per person £795
  • A non en–suite room is priced at £850


  • En-suite room per person (non sharing) £1,295 or
  • For those sharing or non-painters per person £995
  • A non en–suite room is priced at £1,175

*These prices are for FULL BOARD inclusive of all alcoholic drinks and beverages taken at The Old Stone House, all trips and all your materials.