A warm welcome is always guaranteed by your Hostess Eljay Dickins
Enquire about a FULL BOARD Painting Holiday at The Old Stone House in Turkey.
If you’re interested in joining a Painting Holiday at The Old Stone House please complete and submit this form and we will contact you to discuss availability.
TPH are, sadly, ‘on hold’ for the time-being for obvious reasons.
PLEASE REGISTER your future interest in our holidays via the form below
* PRICES INCLUDES ACOMMODATION AND ALL MEALS & ALCOHOL! You have nothing to think about except having a wonderful holiday…
- En-suite room per person (non sharing) £995 or
- For those sharing or non-painters per person £795
- A non en–suite room is priced at £850
- En-suite room per person (non sharing) £1,295 or
- For those sharing or non-painters per person £995
- A non en–suite room is priced at £1,175
*These prices are for FULL BOARD inclusive of all alcoholic drinks and beverages taken at The Old Stone House, all trips and all your materials.